Friday, September 3, 2010

More Food for Thought

After talking to Tiffani Phabsomphou today, it got me thinking.
She fed me some information that completely made sense.
On the dot, a majority of the time.

Young, deep thinker, but feels that the 'options' can lead to something else, which isn't a good thing. And to add, still has a 'pest' on the side still lingering on.

Tiffani says it's a phase 'they' all go through.

The fact that she is young, shows that she still has plenty of time for growth and time to experiment, plus being a deep thinker doesn't automatically set them as mature, more of an image set. Tiffani's had a good idea on 'her' since she's read her blog and described it pretty well point for point.

The options shows that if I am second in terms of the five that she says she's interested in, would then lead to think that one is immovable in terms of relations. The other four on the other hand would become experiments to see how she would develop a feel for them. To summarize: Either be number one, or nothing.

Something happens between them, he wants her back, she doesn't, but the moment he stops wanting her back, she wants him back considering he was her first. I honestly wouldn't doubt that at all, since she is already set on a pedestal.

Rabble, rabble, rabble, I know this doesn't really make sense, it's just a kick of knowledge I received. It just made sense in my head rather than being typed.

Let's hope Monday doesn't turn out the way Tiffani had described. Let's hope not...

And if it does, within the next few days, I'll prepare for the worst.

Thanks again Tiffani.

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