Sunday, January 4, 2009

Oki Doki & The Fail of Eric Glover

What a week this has been so far huh? Man... Failure after failure, it continues to build with each passing day... I love it haha.

So what happened was we went to Oki Doki, a restaurant that specializes in sushi in Garden Grove for Sly before he heads back to UCDavis. Funny thing is, Sly failed way back when he came back and left from UCDavis. If you look below, there will be a picture depicting what happened to him.

DISCLAIMER: You choose to look. I am not at fault for the reactions/disgust you will put upon this picture. But if you're gonna look... Enjoy!

Dat's expression is priceless haha

Oki Doki. Good service, good food!

The same table we always get whenever we go to Oki Doki: the left wall.

Ta-da! Phirun's remastered high school appearance. Random much?

Food was one thing, but Soju + Kirin = Kanye's Welcome to Failbreak.

Glover (2nd to right) was supposed to be driving, but he chose to defy his own orders lol

Many months later and Sly's spot still remains intact HAHA

Andrew Ngo AKA T.L. AKA Easy On The Eyes' (3rd to left) second experience with DGF

Uh oh, Glover looks like he's ready to vomit. Pulling a Sly? *Hint hint*


He looks like he's done with that nonsense.

Guess not...

Well, atleast he looks like he's finally satisfied with what he consumed.

I was wrong... Very wrong...

Right after Oki Doki we headed over to Andy's house to chill, since it was closest to the restaurant than our houses. This is where more fails consisting from Glover ensues.

Andrew sitting on Glover while he's trying to sleep. No luck for poor Glover huh? Haha

Speaking of no luck, he made me take him out just to let out some more waste haha

No luck for Dat either. Vicky, doubted the Soju/Kirin mix, and ended throwing up in Dat's car

Vicky's aftereffect: Threw up in Andy's toilet, and taken to the couch to knock out haha

The rest of us who were just buzzed or sober played Singstar. Fun game!

Just when Glover thought he'd get the rest he earned, Duy decided it would be great to take off his pants... Ashy Larry anyone?

Enraged by his disturbed rest (and removal of pants), Glover got up bursting "Motherf***er, give me back my pants!", ended up falling against the tree and knocking out with his needed rest. There there Glover, it finally came...

So much fail applied into one night... Even though it may seem alot, there are more fails that are awaiting our approach. Soon fails, soon we will meet again haha.

Until next time fellow bloggers!

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