Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Weekend in San Diego... Again

[EDIT]Another weekend, another trip to San Diego. Hmm, doesn't seem to get old does it?
So, what was set out as a potluck invitation by Trong, Phirun's room mate, turned out to be a drama-rama in some portions, and another fail to put insult to injury. But hey, I honestly believe it to be a good experience, regardless of the outcome. As if we had learned our lessons, we didn't. We ended up coming back for a second trip. Luckily, no fails commenced that day. Anyways, here are the pictures!

The potluck actually had alot of food, which exceeded my expectations. Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, it was practically pre-Thanksgiving. Since we didn't provide the food, we provided the alcohol.

The host that can boast the most roast: Trong!

A snippet of DGF!



Trong's friends came along and feasted with us to the beautiful meal presented above.

Contrary to popular belief, Jäger is not Phirun's best friend.

At a certain point in the potluck, drama emerged as two rival gangs collided. Of course it was under the influence of alcohol, which led to a giant misunderstanding. I sparked it without any intention of creating a scene, but just spouting 'Calm down' made quite an upset. How stupid of him... Everything was cleared as he left the apartment complex, leaving the environment to be drama free for the potluck to continue!

Chilling in the back serenading one another.

The amazing thing about this picture is that Kendra is standing next to Duy, whom she dislikes. Irony at it's best haha

Troy came through!

With Thomas!

Eric (Glover)!

And Andrew!

By the time they came, a majority of the food was gone. Sad... You can see Rob beasting the meal! Good job sharing haha

Of course, as always when I'm down in San Diego, I always put my spare time into Gunbound :]

I made enough room to 'Brawl' with everyone. You can see how into it I am haha

Playing 13 with Trong's friends. Chill group!

On the way back from San Diego around 2:00 A.M., a driver to my left side swerved to my lane and accidentally broke my driver's window. That immediately shocked the passengers who were in the vehicle, making Troy yell, "What the...?! Did he just shoot at us?!" So unnecessary... We pulled over and exchanged information. For someone who looked intimidating, he actually attended UCSD. Looks like you can't always judge a book by it's cover can you?

The next day we were supposed to head over to San Diego early, but due to some unfortunate circumstances, we came late. That somewhat made Rob, Linda, Phirun and Trong impatient. Everything turned out great once we came though haha. Phirun was supposed to show us the San Diego nightlife, but knowing him, it didn't go through. Instead, we went to go eat and relax at the apartments.

Once we got together, we were on our way to...

Phil's BBQ!

For such a long line, the meal alone was well worth the wait!

Beastly meal made for a beast!

After that fattening meal, we all laughed...

At Matt's presentation of Billy Banks. Apparently this is made for us to burn out the fat. Fail...

So we headed back to chill at the apartment, playing 13, mixing Soju with yogurt.


Move over Eminem, here is the real 'aftermath' haha. Funny thing is I didn't drink...

Alcoholic beverages. I'm glad I didn't take any :]

With Glover aka Whoopi Goldberg. Much love nig!

Finishing the day with 'The Handshake'.

And that wraps up our weekend! Thanksgiving is coming this week, and I wouldn't doubt that a mountain of fails will come hailing through. Anyways, thanks for reading this blog, and have a nice day! More adventures to come!

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