Sunday, November 16, 2008

Failure of The Month

So... Saturday. A day of many failures. Although the visit to San Diego was preplanned, the events that occurred late that night came like the Los Angeles fires: sudden. What seemed to be a regular visit lead to touring The Cliffs (Scripps). Don't get me wrong, the view was beautiful, it's just what happened after that nearly ruined the whole day. The pictures, with of course my little explanations will wrap everything into play.

On our way to San Diego, and pretty damn close to the fires.

Inside a nearby Ralph's, they had boxes of Frank Copolla Liquor. That security guard is just cardboard too lol

The makings of a failure: Patron, Barcardi 151, and Maker's Mark.

Glover mixing up the canned meat.

Rob cutting the onions in a Iron Chef fashion haha

Duy setting up the doggies. Vietnamese people and dogs... Can't get enough of it haha

The end result was Sloppy Joe's!

While everyone else was making food, I was playing Gunbound?! Get at me! SN : wtfitzalb3rt

This was his last mix of Galvatron. His 4th to be precise haha

The fail arising within moments lol

The entrance to The Cliffs. No Trespassing eh...?

Regardless of laws, we broke it lol

We all got dirty 'cause Peter kept falling over -_-

Duy noticed a shooting star while I took a picture.

Leading him back to the fence by myself was a horrible mistake lol

On the way back leading him to the fence, of course, as an older brother and intoxicated, he decided to give me the "Big Brother Speech". Once we got to the fence, he persuaded me into leaving him behind to get the others. I wasn't completely swayed by his words, but when I turned away from him, he was gone the next moment. I rushed over the fence looking and crying out for his name, but there was no reply.

Eventually Duy and the others climbed over and decided to help me find Peter. There was a nearby party and Glover thought Peter would be there, so he headed over to where all the clamoring was. I went to a nearby edge where I hear screams directly across from me in the pitch black surroundings. They were cries from Peter. With no hesitation, I jumped into the ravine and climbed up the branches. Rob followed closely in case if anything had happened to me. After all the hustle and bustle, we find Peter nearly breaking down emotionally.

I don't wanna get into it anymore 'cause it was alot to handle. Though I was angry at the moment, I can look back at it and consider it an adventure I will never forget. The endless memories...
And to think they'd learn their lessons from this experience... Nope. Not one bit.
We're actually heading back to San Diego this Friday 'cause Phirun's room mates is throwing a Pot Luck.

So there you have it. More fail on the way.
Another memory to add to this chapter :]

Thanks for reading everyone!

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