Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pervading Thoughts

Hmm... This might be the most thought provoking post I'll be doing... For now...
So I'll just take this chance to express my philosophies while in this state of mind.

This is about an old topic that I've thought over countless times, and yet, it never ceases to amaze me how it continues to emerge: friendship.

The term friendship can be defined in many different formats, especially considering how people's ideals define it. Myself, friendship stems from trust. Why trust? Because trust is the foundation of every relationship, the rock. The thing about trust is, some people can trust too easily as to where they become vulnerable, making them completely defenseless mentally/emotionally/physically. That is where those who use that trust to their advantage, are able to annul the bond of the relationship. So, let's apply this to friendship.

As stated earlier, trust is the foundation of friendship. The only reason people continue to talk to one another (friends/family) is to build a stronger form of trust, or at least retain what they currently have. But what if one person applies more trust into you, than you to them? Personality at that point plays it's role. Depending on your personality, you have already set your trust for that particular person(s). So, let's say someone looks up to you as an influence, a role model if you will, they will continue to trust you moreso based on your personality and actions. Let's also say your action (as stated above, mentally/emotionally/physically) regards care towards the one you are influencing is very strong. That would already set the level of the bond within the friendship.

Now, we step further into this topic. If the person whom you've influenced sets the standard for you, that is meant that you are expected to meet their expectations based on the trust they have in you. If that expectation is not met, even minimal, then the trust will begin to disperse. In other words, what would happen, is that the influenced will begin to lose trust and will also begin to set another standard for you in forms of disappointment. They will see you less than you were before (who wouldn't?) and might eventually turn into terms of acquaintances rather than friendship.

What I have displayed above is my philosophy regarding those who have a tendency to set such high standards on someone, that they nearly forget that everyone is flawed. With the slightest bit of disappointment, everything begins to change, usually for the worse. People have so much power over others, it's ridiculous... It may seem spiteful by the words I've said, but this is just my 2 cents based on experience. In conclusion, do not think of friendship as just a common noun in which you can take advantage of. Cherish every friend for who they are. Embrace and appreciate what you have. Because you will never know what you've had, until it is gone...

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