Thursday, December 18, 2008

Banana Bay & Disneyland

Sorry for the lack of updates. My internet had been down for the past week due to some technical difficulties with the main cable. The problem is depleted, and now I can get back on track with this.

During the internet's delay, I've been just hanging out and cruising around city to city. Sunday was different than those other days though. In some ways it was kind of historical in my opinion. With the pictures and details displayed further down, you'll understand what I mean.

That evening had a real beautiful sunset, I couldn't help but take a picture.

It would've been alot better if I didn't lag 5 minutes -_- The view looked so much better at the time, and in person.

Some of the DGFam went to Brea Mall since we were all bored. Kinda sad to actually consider going so far due to that sole reason huh? Haha. Anyways, it had been awhile since I last entered Brea Mall, so I guess it wasn't so bad.

Godiva's not so special considering there's one near my house at South Coast Plaza, but it was still awesome.

Just to give a feel for those who have no idea what Godiva is: chocolatey goodness.

Kind of excessive, but if you got the money, you got the goods haha

Brea Mall's Christmas tree. Kinda small eh?

One of the stalls had something ridiculous, so I decided to take a snap of it.

A painted on Bandana... Need I say more? Haha

The infamous Brea Mall Water Fountain.

Definately a place I'll come back to. Solely because...

The Corgi! One of these days, I'll own one. Promise.

After Brea Mall, we headed over to Banana Bay, a Thai restaurant lodged around the area of Diamond Bar. If you're ever near Diamond Plaza, head over to Banana Bay, I highly recommend it!

The Banana Bay sign. Kinda hard to see due to the glare, but you can make it out.

Inside of Banana Bay.

Another view of the interior.

A small aquarium by the register. Pretty spiffy!

The bar!

And the guys.

Nice little hanger for the cups at the bar.

I ordered Paradise Duck Curry. It's named somewhere along those lines, but I remember it was #81 on the menu. Funky at first, delicious as you continue.

Everyone and their meals.

Oh, did I forget to mention a live band? Damn, this place has everything a restaurant needs!

This particular setting is right outside of Banana Bay where we take a group picture every time. Another picture added to the history books!

I stated earlier that it Sunday was historical. This was the main reason why.

Phi-Hong pool hall. Only people who've had a history with me back then would know what this place brings. An incident I'll never forget. Even with such a history, I decided to go in and play pool with the rest of the DGFam. Pretty fun actually haha.

So as days passed, so came the nearing of the long awaited Disneyland! The reason why Disneyland was deemed special was because of our group within the Drama class grew to become good friends, we decided to go to Disneyland. Good times, no doubt about it :]

A picture to make sure we don't forget where we parked -_-

Of course, as cliché as most of us do at Disneyland, we take pictures of ourselves with our first initials right outside of Disney's California Adventure.


Pretty obvious lol


Her full name is Elizabeth, but Liz is just fine haha

Kevin and Kelly! They didn't have any letters so this is as close as they can get haha


Someone try to think of a good acronym! If it's really good, I'll treat you out to dinner or some sort of craziness haha

The group by the 'C'!

The group by the last 'A'.

The Disneyland Christmas tree. Damn it was humongous! I still don't know which is bigger: South Coast Plaza's or Disneyland's? Hmm...

Main Street :D

Morning picture of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. Wait until you see the night time picture :D

I honestly had no idea there was a small tour of Sleeping Beauty. Pretty cool if you haven't!

Club 33 in the New Orleans Square. Only a handful of people know what exquisite meals they serve

Amber was acting based on her black tourettes. You can only see her arm due to it being so explicit HAHA

The Haunted Mansion with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Awesome as always.

Liz and Nicole waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion.

The aftermath of Splash Mountain. This is what I get for taking the bullet for them lol...

Just to give some of the readers a feel of how it is inside

More viewing pleasure.

Oogie Boogie!

Since the day it was remastered, I finally went to the newly updated Pirates of The Caribbean.

Waiting in line again...


On our way to Tom Sawyer's, I mean, Pirate Island.

You can tell we were both into pumping water HAHAHA

Look familiar? :D

In one of the caves, Amber got stuck. I guess you can say this is what she gets for leaving us LOL

Another angle hahaha

The group with all the booty!

The group with pirates, and the booty!

Good performers!

She hit his zipper HAHAHA. Such a priceless facial expression

The ride back on the raft was packed as hell.

Getting intimate with the bamboo in Indiana Jones HAHA

Kelly was being harassed by Kevin and Amber. Currently, it's become a regular situation haha

It's A Small World during the night time looked amazing with it's lightworking

Sleeping Beauty Castle looked spectacular at night as well

-- Updating later with more pictures from other cameras. I'd have more, but I ran out of batteries :[

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